Monday, January 9, 2012

New Years Party with the Mile High Ferret Club – Ferret Dreams Raffle

When: January 22, 2012
Time: 2 P.M to 4 P.M.
Place: JVA Consulting – Rear Entrance – 2465 Sheridan Blvd. Denver, Colorado
Across from Sloans Lake – Next to Sonic Drive- In
This Event is for all Ferret Owners & Lovers from all over Colorado!  Bring you ferrets to play in one of the largest playpens in the State.  Meet other Ferret Owners who are as crazy about ferrets as you are! 
Ferret Dreams will be having a raffle to benefit the Ferret Dreams Medical Fund.  In 2011, we spent $25,631.17 to take care of all the sick and injured ferrets that came our way.  This fund is also used for those who adopt a ferret with a pre-existing medical condition.  It gives the ferret a better chance of adoption.  The new owners can give this special ferret a home and our Medical Fund will take care of the medical costs related to that particular illness or disease.  It’s a Win-Win situation for the ferrets.
We will have many great Raffle Items for you and your ferret to win.  There will also be a Special Raffle for you.  Will it be another 32″ FlatScreen HDTV?  WIll it be a Canon Digital Camera?  Will it be a LapTop Computer?  Come join us and find out what this Special Raffle Item will be.
Tickets for Regular Raffle: $1 each or 15 for $10
Tickets for Special Raffle:  $3 each or 4 for $10.
We hope to see you and your ferrets there to help ring in another Year of Fun, Friends, Fundraising and of course, Ferrets!

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